
amount of casing中文是什么意思

  • 下套管总量



  • 例句与用法
  • In this article , the author makes a large amount of case study mainly based on the theory of supply chain management , collecting a lot information and making research as well as analysis
  • Upon the prerequisite of limited rationality and through large amount of case studies , grave , as the representative of institutional analysis of historical comparison , puts forward his views on institution and its changes : ( 1 ) abolish two dichotomy methods , and develop unitary concept of institution ; ( 2 ) comprehend institution as gaming equilibrium , focusing on the conditions under which the classical gaming theories become a useful tool for institutional analysis ; ( 3 ) research on how institution continues to exist in a changing environment , endogenous institutional changes , and how and why the past institutions influence the successive institutions ; ( 4 ) conduct unique interactive specific historical scenario analysis , combing repeated gaming theory with specific historical scenario in order to define institution as well as explain its rise , continuity and changes
    以格雷夫为代表的历史比较制度分析,在有限理性前提下,通过大量案例研究,提出了自己关于制度及其变迁的真知灼见: ( 1 )克服两个“两分法” ,发展了统一的制度概念; ( 2 )将制度理解为博弈均衡,重点解释古典博弈论成为制度分析有用工具的条件; ( 2 )研究制度在变化的环境中如何存续、内生的制度变迁以及过去的制度影响后续制度的原因和作用机制; ( 3 )提出了独具特色的互动的特定历史情景分析,将重复博弈理论与特定历史情景结合起来去识别制度,解释其出现、存续和变迁。
  • The basic goal of the new syllabus of geography is to set up a new geography course which is based on information technology , and to improve the integration between information technology and geography course . the core of this goal totally relies on the software resource construction of geography teaching , which is also the vital task of geography teaching information at present this action pays more attention to the shortage of annul geography teaching software resource and does some practice on the construction of anhui geography teaching software resource as well . this paper is a conclusion of past three years , on analyzing amount of cases , trying to find out the best way and model of this construction
  • In recent years , all kinds of takeover of listed companies have been emerging in china ’ s securities market . in the course of takeovers , there appeared large amount of cases of the controlling shareholders harming the company ’ interests and the other minor shareholders ’ interests and rights by disusing their controlling right
  • 推荐英语阅读
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